Flea & Tick Prevention Questions & Answers

Flea & Tick Prevention Questions & Answers

Common Flea & Tick Questions

Fleas and ticks can be a nuisance for pets and can also pose health risks. It's important to take preventive measures and choose the right treatments to protect your furry friends. The team at Get Set Pet have put their heads together to offer expert advice and answers for you. 

Q: How can I tell if my pet has fleas or ticks?

A: Fleas can be seen as small black or brown dots on the skin, and they may cause itching, scratching, and hair loss. Ticks can be seen as small, dark bumps on the skin, and they may cause skin irritation and transmit diseases.

Q: Are there any natural remedies for flea and tick control?

A: Yes, there are some natural remedies such as using essential oils, diatomaceous earth, and flea combs, but it's important to consult with a veterinarian before using any natural remedies on your pet.

Q: Do I need to treat my pet for fleas and ticks even in colder months?

A: Yes. Although the likelihood of your pets being affected by fleas decreases in the winter months, the shift in climate change has resulted in us experiencing milder winters, favouring the survival of fleas outdoors for much longer. Fleas also continue to develop indoors in homes thanks to central heating. Therefore, it’s important to keep protecting your pet throughout the year. 

Q: How often should I apply flea and tick control treatments on my cat or dog?

A: The frequency of application will depend on the type of treatment and your pet's lifestyle, but typically, most treatments should be applied once a month.

Q: Can fleas and ticks be prevented in cats and dogs?

A: Yes, regular use of flea and tick prevention products and keeping your pet in a protected environment can help prevent flea and tick infestations.

Q: What should I do if my cat or dog has a severe flea or tick infestation?

A: You should consult with a veterinarian for a treatment plan that may include medication, flea baths, and environmental treatments to eliminate fleas and ticks from your pet and your home. 

Q: Can fleas and ticks be harmful to cats and dogs?

A: Yes, fleas and ticks can transmit diseases and cause skin irritation, itching, and hair loss. It's important to keep your pet protected from these parasites.

Common Myths

  • Myth: Indoor cats can't get fleas and ticks
  • Fact: Indoor cats can still get fleas and ticks if they come in contact with infested animals or if fleas and ticks are brought inside on clothing or shoes
  • Myth: Fleas and ticks are just a nuisance and don't pose any health risks to cats or dogs
  • Fact: Fleas and ticks can transmit diseases such as Lyme disease and flea allergy dermatitis, which can cause serious health problems
  • Myth: Natural remedies are always safe and effective for flea and tick control
  • Fact: While some natural remedies can be effective, they should be used with caution and under the guidance of a veterinarian. Some natural remedies can be toxic to cat and dogs or may not be effective against all stages of the flea life cycle
  • Myth: If you only see a few fleas or ticks on your pet, there's no need for treatment
  • Fact: Even a few fleas or ticks can quickly turn into a large infestation, and it's important to treat your pet and your home to prevent the problem from getting worse

Flea facts:

  • Fleas are small, wingless insects that feed on the blood of animals, including dogs and cats
  • Cat fleas can jump up to 7 inches vertically and 13 inches horizontally, which helps them move from host to host
  • It is the Flea saliva that can cause an allergic reaction in some pets, leading to flea allergy dermatitis, a condition characterised by severe itching and hair loss
  • Female fleas can lay up to 50 eggs per day, which can hatch and develop into adult fleas within a few weeks
  • Fleas can survive for several months without a host, and their eggs can remain dormant for up to a year in carpets, bedding, and furniture
  • Fleas can infest not only cats and dogs but humans and other animals too!

Remember, it's crucial to consult with your veterinarian before starting any flea and tick treatment to ensure the safety and well-being of your pets. They can provide specific recommendations based on your pet's individual needs.

Our Flea & Tick Products

Additional Sources of Information about Flea & Tick Control


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