A Guide to Feeding Rabbits: Keeping Your Bunny Healthy and Happy

Feeding your rabbit a balanced and nutritious diet is essential for their health and well-being. Just like humans, rabbits thrive on variety, and providing them with the right combination of hay, vegetables, herbs, fruits, and fresh water will ensure they remain active and content. Understanding their dietary needs and being mindful of food choices can make all the difference.

Introducing Vegetables and Herbs

Vegetables add variety and essential nutrients to a rabbit’s diet, but it’s important to select them carefully and introduce them gradually. Each rabbit is unique, and some may be sensitive to certain foods. Start slowly with new vegetables, offering one at a time to monitor for any digestive upset, such as soft stools. Popular vegetable choices include carrots (in moderation due to their sugar content), broccoli, romaine lettuce, and courgettes. Herbs like parsley, basil, and mint are also favourites, though their strong flavours may require an adjustment period for some bunnies.
When feeding vegetables and herbs, ensure they are pesticide-free, thoroughly washed, and fresh. For an average 2.5kg rabbit, 1.5 to 2.5 cups of mixed vegetables per day is a good guideline.

Foods to Avoid

Not all foods are safe for rabbits. Items like chocolate, crackers, pasta, and cookies should never be given, as they can cause serious health issues. Iceberg lettuce, with its low nutritional value should not be fed to rabbits, too much fruit is also not good for them and should be given sparingly. Always double-check new foods to ensure they are rabbit-safe before adding them to your pet’s menu.

The Importance of Hay in a Rabbit’s Diet

The foundation of any rabbit’s diet should be high-quality hay. This isn’t just a filler – hay is a vital source of fibre, promoting healthy digestion and supporting dental health by naturally wearing down your rabbit’s teeth. Larkins Healthy Hay Blend is an excellent choice, offering a mix that is not only nutritious but also enjoyable for your rabbit. Fresh hay should be available at all times, as it’s the staple that keeps their digestive system functioning smoothly.

Wild Plants and Flowers

Rabbits often enjoy nibbling on safe wild herbs and flowers, which can make a great addition to their diet. Plants like chamomile, borage, and calendula are not only tasty but also beneficial. As with any new food, introduce these gradually and ensure they are free from pesticides and pollutants.

Making Thoughtful Choices for Your Rabbit

When deciding on rabbit food, it’s essential to consider the environmental impact as well. Opting for sustainably sourced hay like Larkins Healthy Hay Blend and choosing local, organic produce whenever possible helps reduce your ecological footprint while providing your bunny with the best nutrition.
Rabbits are individuals with specific preferences and tolerances, so careful observation and adjustment are key. Always have fresh water available and keep their diet diverse, but remember that the core of their nutrition is always high-quality hay. By following these guidelines, you’ll help your rabbit live a long, happy, and healthy life.

Fruit as a Treat

While fruits should not be a daily staple, they make excellent occasional treats. Their natural sugars mean they should be limited to no more than two tablespoons per day. Apples (without seeds), blueberries, and strawberries are delightful options. Always avoid citrus peels, as they can cause stomach irritation. By treating fruit as a special addition, you can provide variety without risking an imbalance in your rabbit’s diet.

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